Every Woman Deserves a Doula


    Yoly and I have the honor of being invited into the intimate arena of birth by our couples. We are Doulas.

    Doula is a Greek word that means women assisting women during the birthing experience. A Doula or Labor Support Person accompanies a woman and her partner during her birth. She is there to help educate the couple, thereby reducing the fear surrounding birth. She supports the woman emotionally and physically but not medically. She acts as a role model for the partner. The Doula is by no means there to take the partners place but to enhance his participation. She helps the couple gather information to make decisions. Her main purpose is to help the birthing couple achieve their goals for birth and to help make the birthing atmosphere loving and safe.

Research shows that when a woman has a Doula present during her birth:

            Labor is shorter
            Less epidurals
            Less medications
            Less cesarean births
            Longer duration of breastfeeding

    When a woman is nurtured during her pregnancy she is better prepared and more confident in her ability to nurture her baby. The mother/infant bond is the infant’s first social relationship and a strong bond leads to the development of independent, trusting, loving babies, toddlers, teens, adults, and communities.

Women are empowered by the birthing process. Educated couples are better prepared to advocate for the health and wellbeing of the mother and newborn during pregnancy and birth.

We are DONA certified Doulas. DONA stands for Doulas of North America. Doulas are educated in the birthing process and the application of comfort measures that make for an easier birth. We may use relaxation, massage, visualization, breathing techniques, music, and more for the mother during her birth.

Women attending women during birth is a tradition that is centuries old.

Every woman deserves a calm, gentle birth.

For More information please contact:






Yoly Leal Castellanos CD(DONA), CLC, HBCE, CIMI, CH

